AIDA Project

The AIDA Project aims to create a platform for compiling, processing and visualize data in order to automate the investigation work of law enforcement entities in the participating states in the fight against cybercrime and terrorism.

AIDA has as its final object a modular, flexible and integrated network, which crosses several tools for the description of real data and information prediction that helps Law enforcement entities in the fight against cybercrime and terrorism in order to predict, detect and analyze data that aids in the fight against criminal activity in a faster, more centralized way, with greater quality and rigor.

The European project AIDA - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Analysis for Authority Agencies - brings together 21 partners from 11 member countries, including police agencies, with the aim of building a platform for collecting, processing and visualizing data in order to automate the work of law enforcement agencies in combating cybercrime and terrorism. VoiceInteraction and the Judiciary Police are the partners from Portugal.

Project title: AIDA - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Analysis for Authority Agencies

Project code: Grant agreement ID 883596

Intervention region: Europe


Start Date: 31-09-2020

Completion Date: 28-02-2023

Total eligible cost: €8.853.485,00

Financial support from the European Union: €7.690.272,50


"This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No. 883596. The publication contents in this document are the sole responsibility of the publishers and do not necessarily represent the views expressed by the European Commission or its Services."
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