Our presence at BroadcastIndia

Our presence at

In collaboration with Mediaology

Visit us at booth D1

VoiceInteraction is pleased to participate in BroadcastIndia, in collaboration with our local partners Mediaology. We will be featuring Hindi, Arabic, and our other language models. After an excellent outcome at IBC 2023, with Best of Show for MMS, we are confidently introducing our proprietary technology and AI-driven platforms.

Media Monitoring System 7.0

Our presence at BroadcastIndia will feature the most recent 7.0 version of MMS. Now that Audimus.Media is becoming the closed captioning standard in multiple markets, our experts are introducing MMS, an AI tool that goes far beyond compliance and monitoring, with features such as Automatic News Clipping, and more.

Introducing our products

BroadcastIndia is the perfect opportunity to introduce our language models and translation features. Introducing prospective clients to our solutions' added-value offer, our experts are prepared to present our product suite and provide excellent customer service.

Accessibility and Compliance Solutions

Accessibility and
Compliance Solutions

Request a demo and experience the potential of our Speech Processing Technologies

Automatic Closed Captioning

Media Monitoring System

Compliance and Monitoring


Transcription Automation

Call us today at +1 646 504 7906 or Email us at info@voiceinteraction.tv
Stay in touch
Request a demo and experience what our Speech Processing platforms can offer you.
Call us today at
+1 646 504 7906
or Email us at info@voiceinteraction.tv
Request a demo and experience what our Speech Processing platforms can offer you.
Stay in touch